I guess I am living in a bubble. I am not feeling any rise in hate, and I continue to wear my Jewish star every day (something I started doing when Trump was president and I felt anti-Semitism rising; I'm barely a practicing Jew but wanted to represent, just in case). Netanyahu is a corrupt, war-mongering monster, just like Trump is a corrupt, dictator-loving monster. Most Americans are disgusted by Trump, just as most Israelis are disgusted by Netanyahu. That is mostly what I'm seeing in my feeds (plus a lot of horrifying images from Shaun King of dead and wounded Palestinian children). I heard about Palestinian kids getting shot two weeks ago in the Northeast (PA? NJ?) and learned last week that one of them is paralyzed from the waist down, horrifying. I haven't heard of any hate crimes against Jews lately. Thank you for attending a menorah lighting, and I'm so sorry you felt any kind of tension around that!

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